The pandemic, which has been ongoing since early 2020, has highlighted on the importance of One Health, which primarily uses a multi-sectoral approach to solve a public health problem. The UGM One Health Collaborating Center Task Force (GT-OHCC) was holding a Poster Design Competition 2022 for all UGM students with the theme “One Health Approach to Improving Health Degrees and Quality of Life during the COVID-19 Pandemic” in order to increase awareness of the value of the One Health approach.
Arsip 2023:
Dalam rangka mengetahui perspektif saat ini dan rekomendasi kolaborasi One Health di masa mendatang di UGM, Tim Gugus Tugas One Health Collaborating Center, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta melakukan penelitian yang berjudul “One Health in the University Setting: Assessing the Future Collaboration”.
Kami mengundang Bapak/Ibu/Saudara(i) Mahasiswa (baik jenjang diploma, sarjana, profesi dan pascasarjana) Aktif di seluruh Sekolah dan Fakultas di UGM untuk dapat berpartisipasi dalam survei penelitian dengan mengisi kuesioner melalui tautan berikut: